Writing Examples
Thank you for your interest in my professional writing. Below are file links of several styles of writing as completed for various clients in various industries. For more specific examples, please contact me.
Blog/Articles Writing + Copyediting
Prepper Life: 20 Tips for Solo Camping Preparedness
Prepper Life: Exploring the Top 10 U.S. Cities at Risk of Floods
Prepper Life: Asteroids and Understanding their Risks from Space
Prepper Life: Survival Vehicles: Essential Amenities, Modifications, and Types
2% for Conservation: South Appalachian Anglers: Cleaning Up Our River Systems
2% for Conservation: Loon Project of the Northern Midwest
Parenting on the Plateau column: Making Friends as Parents
Parenting on the Plateau column: Swimming Isn’t Just for Fun
Email Newsletters
Composed Living - planning and strategizing content, asset design, and maintaining an open rate consistently exceeding 54% while striking CTR’s ranging up to 5%
2% for Conservation - planning and strategizing content and schedule for newly launched weekly email marketing initiative, maintaining open rates ranging 39-45% and achieving CTR of 2% within 3 months