where inspo comes from… a step in the creative process

I get asked often:

What is your creative process?

That’s not a quick answer. Depending the type of project I’m on, finding ‘creative inspiration’ is one of the first steps in my creative process. Once a scope and timeline are set, I jump into the mind of research + creative thinking. Let the creativity flowwwwwww….

…This is where color styles are pulled from.

…This is where aesthetic is woven into marketing personas.

…This is where the brand story is started.

But when working several projects in varying industries, and with varying deliverables, having a hose pouring out an endless stream of creative ideas isn’t always the case. I know that, not only does the start of a brand project require new ideas, but so does that luxurious on-going long term brand work.

Inspiration is a fire that needs to be stoked, IMO 🔥

In finding ways to feed my mind, and to get my creativity flowing again, here’s what I use to nurture the other side of the brain:

  • Podcasts on walks - have you tried the Hark app? I love it! t serves up playlists of podcast snippets like a SportsCenter highlight reel does for baseball season — all your favorite moments in a concise 30 minutes. Excellent way to customize a list of favorite shows and topics to keep track of current trends, noteworthy updates on industries of choice, and more. Plus it syncs with your streamer to align with your shows.

  • Multi-mile morning walks - Dutch loves his walks so we try to get in 90min every morning. Emphasis on “try.” I found 3 Starbucks in a 2 mile radius, so if I need added motivation, I reward myself walking 1-2 miles for a coffee. But the value of long walks is two-fold:

    • for clearing the mind to new ideas; Creative output increases 60% while walking. And don’t take my word, that’s Stanford talking. Be reminded that walking boots creativity by putting you into a flow zone where you aren’t linked to focused thinking

    • for finding pockets and hubs of detail and delight; Maybe a new shop pops up, or there’s some cactus plants blooming, or you get to chat up city neighbors and business owners… it all sparks curiosity and boundless creativity can be found in this.

  • Music playlists - I make playlists seasonally and emotionally. I have one for every mood and mode. My inspo playlists feature either smooth dj soul/funk/mix list from Crate Junkies, or something with a reggae beat.

  • A few hours in nature - this is tried and true and scientific, but yeah, it really works. I bounce between beaches and woods on the very regular and end up brainstorming into a lengthy Apple note before I’ve left the spot. Most days tho, I plan my walks under the neighborhood oaks so I can get some feel-good nature vibes even if I am strolling Pasadena’s city streets.

  • Graffiti walls of 6th Street Bridge - I find LA’s street art scene to be world class. The murals and artists working under 6th Street Bridge, along Mateo or Anderson, and in the DTLA arts district are among the finest art you can find. And they’re FREE. They change on a regular basis so you can get a seasonal rotation of showcase pieces.

  • Museum field trips - With so many museums across Los Angeles, it’d be irresponsible to not check in on at least one to see what’s happening in the art world… Most all LA museums offer a free ticket day each month so excuses are nearly nonexistent. My frequently visited favorites are The Broad which is free with ticket reservation and Norton Simon who has Free First Fridays every month starting at 4p. I’ve added a list of free art museums + gardens from the LA area in my Resource Library for you to learn about the participating museums and how to visit them.

There are endless ways to tap into your creativity, these are just a few of the ways I know work for me.

More about the creative process to come!



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